Stihl AK Lithium Battery Range


Compatible with the Stihl AK System. Lightweight Lithium-ion battries with charge-level indicator. Match the power to your usage requirement.

AK 10

Battery weight kg 0.8
Rated voltage (V) V 36
Capacity Wh 1) 72
Battery cell technology Lithium-Ionen AK-System


AK 20

Battery weight kg 1.2
Rated voltage (V) V 36
Capacity Wh 1) 144
Battery cell technology Lithium-Ionen AK-System


AK 30

Battery life HSA 56 min 1) 120
Battery life FSA 56 min 1) 60
Battery life BGA 56 min 1) 30
Battery life MSA 120 C-BQ min 1) 55
Battery life time MSA 140 C-BQ min 2) 45
Battery cell technology Lithium-Ionen AK-System
Battery weight kg 1.3
Capacity Wh 3) 180
Rated voltage (V) V 36